Share of Bedrooms in New Single-Family Homes in 2022

The Census Bureau’s latest Survey of Construction (SOC) shows small changes in the share of number of bedrooms for new single-family homes in 2022 compared with the previous year. The current estimates indicate the share of new single-family homes with two bedrooms or less is 11.0%, three bedrooms, the largest share, had a share of 42.8%, four bedrooms make up 35.7% of new single-family homes, and five bedrooms or more had a share of 10.5% in 2022.

Figure 1 shows the changes in the share of new single-family homes by number of bedrooms dating back to 2005. For the third straight year, the share of three-bedroom single-family homes declined, marking the lowest share in the series. The share of four-bedroom single-family homes also fell somewhat from last year. The share of new single-family homes with two bedrooms or less rose back up in 2022 to a share higher than homes with five bedrooms or more.

Figure 2 below examines the difference between US Census divisions by share of new single-family homes with four or more bedrooms. The East North Central Census division had the lowest share of new-single family homes having four or more bedrooms at 29.4%. The highest share of new single-family homes built with four or more bedrooms was 51.7% which was in the South Atlantic Census division.

Depending on a new single-family homes purpose of construction (Built-for-Sale, Contractor-built, Owner-built, Built-for-Rent), the number of bedrooms in the home greatly varied in 2022. Most of this variation comes from the two-bedroom or less homes and four-bedrooms homes. The share of new single-family homes with two bedrooms or less ranges from 5.4% of homes built-for-sale to 42.9% of homes built-for-rent. For the share of new single-family homes with three bedrooms, it ranges from 42.1% of built-for-sale homes to 46.7% of owner-built homes, displaying relatively little change across purpose of construction compared to the other number of bedrooms.

The share of new single-family homes with four-bedrooms ranges from 12.0% of built-for-rent homes to 40.6% of built-for-sale homes. The last group, the share of new single-family homes with five-bedrooms or more, ranged from 2.3% in built-for-rent homes to 11.9% in built-for-sale homes in 2022. Single-family homes that were built-for-rent typically had far fewer bedrooms when compared to other purposes of construction. Single-family homes built-for-sale were three times more likely to have four-bedrooms than homes that were built-for-rent.

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