Jing Fu

Jing Fu, Ph.D., is the director of forecasting and analysis at NAHB where she monitors developments in the economy to identify trends and issues related to the housing industry. She also assists in forecasting and analyzing the state and metropolitan area housing market, producing research and articles detailing sectors and the geography of the home building industry. Prior to joining NAHB, Dr. Fu worked at Thomson Reuters as a data specialist and has extensive knowledge and experience on quantitative research and large data set analysis. She holds a master's and doctorate in economics from the University of Kansas.

Where Residential Construction Thrives: Metro Area Hotspots for Jobs and Businesses

The residential construction industry plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and local community development. It has a lasting impact on local communities by creating jobs, improving infrastructure, boosting local businesses, and enhancing property values. The residential construction industry is more reliant on labor…

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